
  • What should I wear to try on dresses?

    Maybe you are going to Goodwood Revival for the first time or maybe you want to find a dress for a wedding/cruise/prom etc!

    We want you to feel happy and confident in what you wear, even when trying on.  

    Here are some of our top tips:

  • All about Cherry Vintage: Your destination for Modern Vintage Flair and Quirky Accessories

    Find out all about Cherry Vintage - from what we sell to our ethos! We love quirky modern designs as well as reproduction vintage!
  • Wet weather advice for Goodwood Revival!

    We had everything crossed for good weather for Revival, however, the forecast doesn't look great!  Don't forget - wet weather wouldn't have stopped people during wartime, or shortly after.  
  • Fashion Accessories for Goodwood Revival 2024

    Goodwood Revival is so exciting but it can be overwhelming! We have got your guide to dressing here, but here is your guide to accessories for 2024!
  • What to Wear to Goodwood Revival 2024

    So, you have your tickets for Goodwood Revival... now you need to decide what to wear!

    Goodwood Revival mainly focuses on three eras - the 40's, 50's and 60's!

    We will take you through each era and give you some hints and tips to help you feel confident in what you wear!

  • New Run and Fly drop!

    So, we have got LOADS of new Run and Fly stock in! You are loving all the bright colours and funky designs.  Anna has snapped up a few of the desi...
  • Run and Fly at Cherry Vintage

    I thought I'd add some inspiration for your Run and Fly outfits here at Cherry Vintage! 

    I've styled the Octopus Love Dungarees and the Old School Retro Tattoo dungaress (and dress) from Run and Fly.


  • Summer Sun: Part one, Summer Parties!

    Time to look at Charli's four favourite Summer party outfits 
  • Summer Sun; It's time for Parties, Picnics, Race days and Weddings!

    Well it's not quite summer just yet but the gorgeous spring days are here and we have so many gorgeous outfits that you can use for weddings (or race days!) summer street parties and more. 
  • Launch Tips

    No one wants to be disappointed so I’ve compiled a few things you can do to improve your chances.... The first thing to remember is, even though it...
  • First Week Back

    So the shop has been open for a week now and it’s great to be back! It’s obviously not quite the same as I can only let one customer in at a time. ...
  • Not Long Now

    I’ll be opening on June 16th & I can’t wait, even though things will be different. I’ll be operating a one in one out rule, & will provide ...